Kyla's Blog [Subscribe]

First post July 02, 2011

Behold the inaugural blog post!

My singer-songwriter project is my main focus this week-end. We’re busy getting the official web-site up and running, meanwhile I’m preparing about 10 songs to record. At this stage, it’s a bit difficult choosing which songs will make it to the album: I have to keep reminding myself that I can record another later on, and that Kyla Tilley the singer-songwriter does not have to release concept albums. That’s always been a problem for me. I love concept albums, but I have Molt to scratch that itch. These solo albums will just be collections of songs. The writing has been spread over a long period of time, so it will be more the style of the performance that ties everything together. I’m thinking about choosing the songs that are specific people’s favourites, and seeing what they all sound like together. It’s going to be pretty stripped down, because I like that sort of thing in a folk recording, with a few touches of harmonies or other instruments scattered throughout. I will almost assuredly record Wedgwood Pattern with some backing vocals, I just have to inform a couple people that I have expectations of them.

— Kyla
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